welcome to the DREAM ZONE.

NOTE: A lot of these are direct quotes from dm's with my partner, so they're going to be incomplete, janky, etc.

9/15/2023: Urban exploration, except not really.

Had a dream me and #######?(maybe? not sure who it was exactly) were like wandering around in the woods and came across some abandoned train/station.
We hitched a ride, and soon found out that it was headed for disneyland, so basically like accidentally snuck into disneyland. I was not thrilled about this.
Would have much preferred ghost train over disneyland
actually it was probably disney world thinking about it
I have a lot of dreams about sneaking into half defunct theme parks btw
Also, later in the dream there was a recurring part, like a part I'd seen before
where I was playing some weird glitchy modded version of minecraft and was also in the minecraft
and there were these scary monsters that'd latch on to you and eat your flesh

09/12/2023: "the plot of the Sonic Metal gear crossover"

had a dream we were getting nuked
and i was buying and stealing a bunch of shit to get ready for that
and apparently i was tails for this dream
anyway the person who called the nukes down confronted me and ended up ripping my arm off
and i beat him to a heavenly pulp

09/10/2023: A normal thing

had adream we were playing like
a porn flash game in a ## call
and ##### and ##### joined and were just like normal about it
"that'd happen"
and then later on it turned out someone else we didnt know joined
their name was like ex
"were we playing sincerely or like"
we were just like
playing the game
"for a laugh"
we werent horny about it
it was just like
ok this is happening
"yeah ok it was like sex chess"
"where the sex wasn't important
it was beating the fucking ai"
but yea there was an unknown individual that joined that we never realized
and their name was like ex
or something
and they recorded the whole thing and posted it on 4chan
and people were making fun of it
and ex told me about all that later
and then i ended up like
flirting with ex??????
like i wasnt embarrassed about that shit at all or anything and also didnt holdl it against her
because apparently she didnt intend to make fun of us by doing all that
she was just trying to share a funny moment and it turned into all that
(9/13/2023 edit: Ex pickpocketed me. We made out for some reason.)

09/05/2023: Well

had adream i had sooo much sex
the girl i had sex with first was pushing aaaaaaall of my buttons 8)
and after that I sucked so much dick my jaw hurt

09/01/2023: The end of the world

i had a dream i was participating in a parade
that was also part of some tournament
part of the parade was the rolling out of the parade route, which meant literally building it out of these weird moving bricks as we went along. I was responsible for this part.
according to the me in the dream, leading the parade by building the route was something i'd done before in previous years
like i "remembered" having done that in the past
later in the dream, i was watching and supporting all these different people as they competed
in fighting games, REAL actual fights, spell card battles, etc
and apparently i shared a hotel room with enoko? like the doggy girl from (touhou) 19. I remember getting back to our hotel room to rest for a bit and she was like exhausted and upset in her bed.
anyway as Plots would have it, just as the tournament ends and the winner is announced, some evil group comes in and starts trying to take over the world
the main bad challenged the winner of the fighting tournament to a fight out on the parade route [speecifically near a little bridge I had layed out], and suddenly the building i was in was being attacked
before I know it I'm Jazz and I'm running out claws blazing attacking people
i make it across the parade route [somehow without getting attacked by the really strong big bad] and i have a panic attack right at the end, so i crouch in the corner of this muddy field and just cry for a bit
eventually I decide I have to do Something even if I'm not going after the main villain, so i start climbing on the rooftops to take care of some of the stronger folks
dont remember anything after that

08/24/2023: Cute evil fish lady

Throughout most of my dreams last night, I felt like I was being hunted.
I'm rifling through an office, and at some point the people that are hunting me head towards me, so I hide up on top of this bookcase in a sort of library area.
On top of the bookcase, I find a baby[or a young animal? I can't remember]. The hunters eventually track me down and I make them promise not to hurt the baby.
At some point, I get into a fight underwater with some evil fish girl. She kicks my ass so I swim away.
Later on, I realize I can't leave her alone because she's hurting a lot of people, so I make my way to her new base of operations.
I trigger a trap on the way there, causing a wave of caustic black poison to wash over me. I am dissolved, but not dead. "I'll try again" I think to myself.
Important but not important note: I had some kind of weird gay relationship with the evil fish girl.

08/22/2023: Money for misgendering

i had a dream i met toby fox
he deadnamed and misgendered me and gave me a bunch of money in dollar coins when i corrected him

08/16/2023-08/17/2023: Super(natural) date and other philosophical oddities.

yesterday's dream:
My partner and I went on a nature boardwalk date with Ran Yakumo.
Both of them teased me with stories of kappa attacking people in that area, and I was insistent that kappa do not exist.

today's dreams in order:
I got lured into a basement, tied up, stuffed in a sack, and basically left to die by a group of men. I think they attacked me for some magical artifact i had or something.
I came to the realization that if you love a room enough, it will physically follow you places. Just mentally picture videogame geometry clipping into itself here because that's exactly what was happening.
The power in my house was knocked out, so I hid in a corner, fearing the worst. Eventually I hear a voice calling out, taunting, beautiful, menacing. I curled up in a ball, but in a fit of bravery I decide to at least meet this voice face-to-face to see if they're really all that bad. I don't remember anything after that.

08/03/2023: I've had trouble sleeping for weeks.

my dreams have all been vaguely disturbing in a way that is hard to describe
for like the past couple weeks

07/03/2023: "My hitbox is in my mind!"

I had a dream that i was detained at some... thing, basically like a big open lot where they just trusted us not to run away
me and some other folks went over to this booth that was supposed to let us plead for an early release, and while we were there i guess someone started attacking?? and like
i remember i like um-jammer-lammy'd myself into being able to dodge bullets danmaku style
my hitbox is in my mind type shit
and it was the fucking crazy backup dancers
and i had to fight them
and i guess i beat them because they went away, but my luck ran out bc i got eaten by a dragon
and then it came back because someone ELSE who got eaten by the dragon like really wanted to help me specifically and i think she may have been a ghost?
like, an ancestor ghost. and also i was suddenly a homestuck troll
of Jade Blood

06/27/2023: Rice revenge

had a dream an old friend from church was hanging out with me to make me feel better and he got in trouble with his parents for it. we both went to go walk away to like disengage from the situation but then his mom just started insulting me? like making fun of me for my disabilities
so my very mature reaction [i was definitely a teen in this dream] was to grab a big bag of rice and start pouring that shit all over the room i made very sure not to throw any on her because i didnt want it to be like an assault or something, i just wanted to cause problems for her

05/12/2023: American healthcare

tw for grossness of the medical variety
Had a dream i was suddenly bleeding and was in horrible pain, (basically I was urinating blood). i tried getting some friends to take me to a hospital but to my dismay they called an ambulance instead and yes I'm being serious when i say the distressing part of the dream was an ambulance bill

05/11/2023: Flowing water dreams are relaxing, deep water? Terrifying.

i was stuck on an island surrounded by giant sea monsters, and voices in my head kept telling me i had to be brave and slay said sea monsters for vague reasons but i could Not bring myself to

05/05/2023: Funny birds

i had a dream someones pet birds got loose in my store
and i coaxed one back down
and then the other one started chasing wild birds

04/26/2023: Free the tits

i had a dream i was shirtless at a pool
and no one cared

04/24/2023: Quite the shock

had a dream my computer caught fire and i got shocked trying to turn it off
and i was like sluggish and confused the rest of the dream
and then later i looked down and my arm was somehow completely broken from the incident

04/08/2023: The easter globe of vague significance, violence, dead relatives, and birds

I keep having dreams about this peter cottontail thing i bought
the like snowglobe
like I don't remember exactly what it did in my dream but it was important somehow

had a dream someone "joked" about robbing me
and attacked someone i was with
so i like choked them and they stabbed me in the leg
also the other day i dreamt i saw my uncle
who is like
most certainly dead

in my dream there was a little bird
like a conure or something
and its owners were trying to catch it
and i caught it easily and got to hold a bird
and then it pooped on the ground

03/27/2023: Hurricane, maybe?

i had a dream (partner) and i were in some sort of apocalypse
it was like
the power was out everywhere but there was still internet somehow and tons of people were missing
and we started meeting online ppl irl
like i met one of my tumblr mutuals
and there was àlso some sort of murder mystery

03/16/2023: Don't remember this one

i had a dream i became a god last night

03/14/2023: Yum

i had a dream i was eating like
super deluxe garlic bread
that came out of an mre
and when i woke up i was drooling
it was gross
i flipped my pillow and went back to bed
but also like god damn
it was like
it was like savory but also sweet
the magic garlic bread

03/03/2023: Marshmallow

the only thing i remember about my dream was that I was trying to get into this bar
and i had to look tough to do it
but for some reason i looked like
a god damn marshmallow

02/27/2023: Juno

in my dream i won some random drawing
which had like no reward
they just said my name and that was my reward
and also regrettably my name was juno in that dream

02/25/2023: There's gender shit here I think

had a vverry strange dream
where like i was in some support group with a bunch of boys who were being annoying
and also i was like a teen
i dont really know how to describe it but i remember the group being pointless and irritating and too christian for my taste even back then

01/28/2023: Crowds (positive)

the main theme of my dream that i can remember last night was just
having a fuck ton of people around
lots of normal dream themes but i kept ending up hanging out with all of my friends no matter the place

01/03/2023: Mutuals, the strangest connection

i had a dream
that i like went over to someones house and only found out while i was there that it was someone id been following on twitter for a bit
we hit it off and even started flirting with each other but i dont remember if things progressed much further beyond that
we were like gonna date or something but it was a very neutral ending to the dream from what i can remember
it felt nice though

11/27/2022: Perceptual disturbances

HAD A dream i was like going in sane
and like
i kept noticing these perceptual disturbances
and thingsthat werent right
like my work undoing itself
or people not notocing me talking
i was trying to work so hard so icould make rent and stay in school
but it was so hard

11/16/2022: Chomp (gross)


10/31/2022: Furry roommates and the CIA

had a dream i worked with 2 eccentric furries
like actual furries
and also loona was there at some point
one of them got a job at sanitation
and also they were apparently being stalked by the cia or something
and i got captured by th cia for having to do w them
and ma(d)e into a mole
but i didntw ant to do that so i fucked off
but yeah
other than the loona thing i remember one of them being like smaller and slightly robotic
but yea loona got home one day and i like hid behind a a futon or something to surprise her and then like someone else walked in so i just eavesdropped on their convo
its important to mention that our apartment was like attached to a shopping mall or something btw
i think one of the roommates WAS loona but my brain had trouble parsing it
she was a dog
also both roommates were apparently very fashionable and helped me w outfits
i only remember the loona one really
the other one was a weird robot furry i cant identify
also fun thing in this dream was that i was not working, like my roommates brought in the money (09/13/2023 edit: In contrast to the me that wrote this, I am currently unemployed.)
i specifically remember in the dream
going "oh shit, this is good stuff i need to right it down"
and then reassuring myself that i could write it down when i woke up bc otherwise i might miss stuff
that thought happened right around when someone [(partner) I think] helped me run from the cia
so i could keep my furry roommates safe
"Were they kept safe"
things went back to normal
idk i just thought it was fun that i lived with like
weird characters that kind of scared me at points
and were doing all the heavy lifting w financials
"(me) it sounds like you just kind of"
"Dreamed of a more perfect version of your life"
like, my roommates?
get em out of here
give me the furries
it was such a weird change of pace
epecially the part where like, i wasn't like romantically involved with said roommates
which would usually be the case in that type of dream for me
though i think i remember there being an interest
it just wasnt an in progress thing
if you weren't such a big loona head she wouldn't have been in my dream
"I know"
"And it's messed up"
like i have no idea what her character is like so there's like zero chance it was at all accurate
"Did she even do anything"
not much no
she doesn't strike me as a fashionista necessarily
but in my dream she owned a fashion line with the other roommate
and they both gave me clothes
i remembered that we really liked seeing each other and she'd excitedly look for me when she got home
like a dog

10/21/2022: Gettin bugged

i was jazz in my dream, and i was trying to go off to do something but des was like >:/
(09/13/2023 edit: I was trying to fly off somewhere in a spaceship, but Des wouldn't let me. Eventually I managed to sneak off, and after a few hours of meandering around I come back to this cliff that overlooks where Des and the spaceship are. I sit there and watch for I don't know how long, feeling an emotion I can't describe.)

09/25/2022: Vague ending

all of my friends were hiding me in this house but we knew the gem cops would get me eventually
I'm sitting here, knowing that the end of my life is coming shortly, and I begin to dream in this dream
I dream of what it would be like to run away from whats happening, I skip outside, no luggage in hand, to see my whole family and a bunch of friends waiting outside
they try to convince me to stay but i can't be swayed
in the next nested dream, I try to continue hiding out
at some point it transforms into a nightmare sequence where I'm guilt tripped for living such an easy life while people ive affected in the past are either dead or don't have it easy
after this ending, i try another
i walk outside the house
suddenly, im outside a grocery store i remember going to as a kid
i see my dad across the street grilling hotdogs
i know it's not my real dad, but i stop to talk anyway, desperate for some sort of closure
i dont remember what we talked about, and i know it wouldn't go like this in real life, but we had a nice talk
i should note that I've had a very similar dream to this whole thing once except in that one i was Soul (09/13/2023 edit: Soul from Soul Eater, no I don't know why.)

08/23/2022: I'm kinda gay

hasd a dream i was gettin close to a girl
eventually she starts ####### ##### and i cant resist kissing her

07/25/2022: Friends and dead ttrpgs



05/23/2022: Vaguely polyamorous dreams

-had dream living with roomates who are lusus vets
they all 4 know more than me
2 of them start hitting on me

04/20/2022: Animoly

DREam person named animoly
(09/13/2023 edit: I dreamed I was exploring some sewer dungeon with friends, and I kept sneaking off to see a ghost mouse lady named Animoly. She was a nice mysterious lady, and to this day I can't remember why I was being so secretive about my friendship with her. I would later adapt this character, making a FFD20 Elemental Shaper named Anita Molly Rae.)

01/26/2022: Super Bizzario World

Had a dream my roommates were plotting to kill me. To this end, they got a bunch of power ups [????]
When they came to my door, I grabbed a SMW cape and flew out my window. that's all i can remember.

09/21/2021: Pin pusher

part 1 of my dream last night was that I got got by the hack that's been going around lately bc i woke up in the middle of the night and just clicked a link randomly, part 2 was me getting into a fight with some dude [who i presume was a friend] and we stabbed each other with push pins.

06/30/2021: Kaiju, sheep tf, killer elevator

me ###### (and) (partner) controlled giant monsters to fight a big monster
me shopping at some place, cant figure my way around
me trying to steal mail [that's really meant for me] out of someone's mailbox, my accomplice[?] gets spotted by a kid near that house, I tell the kid thanks and that I'll tell the accomplice to leave [pretending he has nothing to do with me]
him and someone else run away instead of driving away, I also run away and end up hitting the dirt to try and hide from site [also for some reason at this point I'm a little white wool sheep anthro person] a kid throws a pen or something at me thinking im a toy and i yell out in pain.
another part of the dream is that I was in an elevator with a couple of people, when suddenly the elevator starts falling down super fuckin fast, and everyone in the elevator aside from me and one other person ends up falling out and dying somehow

05/14/2021: Hair nightmare

had a dream that someone shaved my scalp while i was sleeping and i had to find out who did it. really made my appreciate my long hair a bit more

03/20/2021: Dying?

Had a dream that i didnt get enough sleep and was just barely conscious throughout the day, at one point i felt like i was gonna pass out and was yelling for my roommate to come help because i was afraid to fall asleep and hurt myself or something
it sucked bc it REALLY fuckin felt like i was tired like, i remember barely being able to open my eyes and I couldn't walk or do anything very quickly

03/01/2021: The cycle of violence???

I had a dream i was running from some gunman, and it turned out there was a whole DAISY CHAIN of people with guns chasing each other and killing each other n shit, eventually one of them caught up to me but when i threw down my gun they didn't seem interested in killing me.

02/27/2021: Summoning the Lemon Demon+Doomed by the narrative

Had a dream i was playing a point and click adventure game and there was an easter egg where if you clicked somewhere specific Neil Cicierega would pop out and play a random song on his keytar while wearing a funky looking magician outfit(.) Same dream also had a very weird depressing plot where some of my friends had to launch themselves into the sun as some sort of necessary sacrifice, at the end after they're all sent off im talking to this big space commander dude and he informs me i was supposed to die as well and he murders me himself. credits roll with no music

02/17/2021: Identity confusion

had dream i was ###########(typo)
butt hey were in the body of someone else
then diced apples fell on our heads

02/04/2021: This probably also really happened

I had a dream raocow was playing some sonic game, he was getting real pissed at shadow's and rouge's levels.

01/07/2021: Casually glossed-over centipede TF

I had a dream i got pranked by some people who put a drive thru sign at a restaurant that didn't have a drive thru
i went up and started talking to them along with somone else
and eventually the prankster was standing on a drain and flushed themself down and we thought they were dead
we tried to get rid of any evidence because we were scared we'd get blamed for the death
eventually it turned out the guilt from this crime we didn't even commit had turned me and my roommate or whoever into really giant centipedes
when we decided to leave the house to investigate what happened to the prankster, we started getting shot at by futuristic weapons and ran away
earlier in the dream [in a different dream i suppose] i was just hanging out with some ladies
they were talking about/making fun of some adventurer dude i disguised myself as
but they didnt know i was him
and they also didnt know i was transgender
so naturally there was double weirdness
i didnt want this group of cis women to know im trans
and i also didnt want them to know i was disguising myself as this cringy adventurer dude

01/04/2021: Gondola to Nowhere

I had a dream there was some sort of gondola in my old hometown that led to the pool down the street. In my dream i remembered it being there and thought "oh why did i never ride this" then my partner and i rode the gondola to and from the pool without stopping and my partner passed out standing up from heatstroke or something, it was rly distressing and i had to lead them somewhere safe to take care of them

01/02/2021: Friend shit


12/22/2020: Divorce. ahahahahaha

I had a dream my parents finally got divorced...interesting
My mom was doing just fine, had a nice house n everythin', and my dad was living in a camper.

12/21/2020: Rayquaza

I had a dream i was bmxing and making some huge jumps down into some highway
and at some point gravity got all weird and i remember getting up after a spill and running all around on like, walls and ceilings
later on in that same dream, i was hanging out with some faceless group of people and thought to myself "I want to be rayquaza"
someone spoke up saying something like "rayquaza's too big for smash"
and then i became rayquaza and started flying around tail whipping things

12/01/2020: Read Godfeels

i had a dream i was june egbert and my partner was terezi
not.. entirely sure what to make of this one y'all. im a bit ashamed frankly LMAO

11/20/2020: Embarrassment

I had a dream i was trying to call my partner in the middle of the night, and in my tired haze i didn't realize i was calling and messaging some artist from the celeste discord and they got mad at me.

11/17/2020: Themes not dreams

i guess it'd be good to post just some general themes and locations i have in my dreams, thinking on it
Most of the time my dreams include one or more of the following:
Sprawling megachurches that seem to change layout every time i dream about them
Delis at grocery/convenience stores
My partner and I getting separated somehow
Themes of walking along a highway, no vehicle for some reason [i actually sold my car a while back and ride a bike to work so this is more accurate now actually]
themes of travelling or always being in a state of transition
Jesus ™️ camp
Secret hidden rooms that don't exist in my childhood home
Spending the night in an unfamiliar home and having to learn the layout

11/17/2020: Bonk

the other night i dreamt my partner and i were walking around in public and got accosted by a group of dudes, we got separated and i remember coming back with a baseball bat and hitting someone before the dream shifted to something else

10/21/2020: The clothes

GIVE JAZZ('S??) (the) party clothes thaty you saw in your dream
they were almost like a pants dress
with an ocean/teal/blue theme
(09/13/2023 note: That night, I had a dream that I was dancing around in colorful, loose clothing. Generally, I dress pretty masc, so it was surprising and actually kinda nice. Jazz is one of my first oc's, basically a self-insert.)

07/06/2020: Video bomb

dream where weird ppl were filming a music videoin gmod

06/24/2020: :(

had a dream i got sick and went into a coma or something
andi couldn't find (partner) and i's message logs
either that
or i died
or went to jail
i felt awful leaving you alone for so long
not to mention i couldn't even find you when i woke up
that's all i cared about
finding you

06/17/2020: 3rd amendment on the mind

had a dream there was a really bad storm
and i had t odo laundry
and there was some conspiracy where SWAT teams were being quartered in ppls apartments

05/12/2020: Mixed

had dream
that i specifically went and got bottom surgery
but it was sad bc i think (partner) and i were falling apart

04/18/2020: Ahh..

we went to a cool carnival at night
(09/13/2023 edit: I have redacted sensitive details.)

03/29/2020: Why him

i had a dream i was like
in a jojo arc
and i was jotaro or something
i mean what a lame character to be in a dream but w/e

10/15/2019: Cat

weird dream where we had to like evacuate and stay at other ppls houses
i found gus gus (09/13/2023 edit: gus gus was my cat) outside and saved him
also there was this weird blank black wasteland
and gems scattered throughout
and if you grabbed one the next one of the same kind would double in size and come attack you?